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Landing page

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    Что такое целевая страница (Landing Page)?
  2. Анатомия посадочной страницы
    5 Topics
    1 Quiz
  3. Формулы для построения посадочных страниц
    4 Topics
  4. Правила использования лендинга
    1 Topic
  5. Этапы перед созданием лендинга
    3 Topics
  6. Типы целевых страниц
    3 Topics
  7. Виды целевых страниц
    4 Topics
  8. Структура лендинга
    34 Topics
    1 Quiz
  9. Copywrite
    What is landing page?
    1 Quiz
  10. Types of landing pages
    11 Topics
    1 Quiz
  11. Anatomy of landing page
    11 Topics
    1 Quiz
  12. Formulas of landing pages
    1 Quiz
  13. Tips for good landing pages
    1 Quiz
  14. Development
    2 Topics
    2 Quizzes
  15. Список полезных плагинов и библиотек для работы с лендингами
    3 Topics
  16. Верстка
    2 Topics
    1 Quiz
  17. UX for developers
    1 Topic
  18. Customer avatar
    Аватар клиента
    1 Quiz
Lesson 11, Topic 10
In Progress

Lead Form

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0% Complete

The lead-capture form is the main focus of a lead-capture page, better known as a landing page. The ultimate goal of this page is to get your visitors to fill it out with contact information in exchange for a piece of content, such as an ebook.

First of all, you should make sure your form appears above the fold or is easily findable on the lead capture page. The next, and probably the biggest question when designing your forms is how long should it be? This is a tricky question because the length of your form inevitably leads to a tradeoff between the quantity and quality of the leads you generate. If the form is too long, prospects are going to stop and evaluate whether it is worth their time to complete all of those fields. So you need to find a good balance between collecting enough information and not asking for too much information that they’re not willing to give.

Of course the next question is, what should those form fields be? What information should I ask for? You can use fields such as name and email address to gather contact information about the lead. It is important to be able to follow up with your newly converted lead so you can put them into your sales funnel to try to convert them into a customer.

The last major component of your form is the button the visitor must press to complete the form and send you their information. The top-performing variations in this study were “Click Here” and “Go.” Compared to “Submit,” these buttons feel much less committal. Remember that the lead form is not the same as the contact form, even though they have something in common.