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Facebook Ads

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  1. Fb Ads Manager
    21 Topics
  2. Set up ad campaigns, ad sets, and ads
    40 Topics
  3. Ad creating
    13 Topics
    1 Quiz
  4. Monitor performance
    12 Topics
    1 Quiz
  5. Retargeting
    27 Topics
  6. Instagram
    7 Topics
    1 Quiz
  7. Boosted Posts
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
  8. Page Promotion
    1 Topic
    1 Quiz
  9. Lead Gen Ads
    6 Topics
    1 Quiz
Lesson 1, Topic 18
In Progress

Adding Other Assets

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0% Complete

A business asset group is a group of assets within your Business Manager. Admins can create business asset groups and use them to organise assets and the teams working on them. Once you’ve created a business asset group, you can assign access to multiple people and grant them permissions to assets within the group.

Organise business assets similar to the way you do business. For example:

  • If your business has multiple brands or lines of business within it, create a group of assets for each brand or line of business.
  • If you’re an agency or a service provider with multiple clients, create a group of assets for each client.
  • If your business operates in more than one region, create a group of assets for each region.

You can add assets that you own and assets that others have shared with you. You can add the following asset types to a business asset group:

  • Ad accounts
  • Pages
  • Instagram accounts
  • Pixels
  • Offline events
  • Apps*
  • Catalogues*
  • Custom conversions*

*You can add these assets to a business asset group, but you can’t grant permissions at the business asset group level. You’ll need to assign permissions to these assets individually.

Use business asset groups to organise your business assets and assign them to people in your Business Manager. Businesses that handle multiple brands, lines of business or regions can use business asset groups to organise assets for each of these categories.

Steps to create a business asset group in Business Manager:

  1. Open Business settings.
  2. Below Accounts, click Business asset groups.
  3. Click + Add.
  4. Decide how you’d like to organise your assets. For example, you could separate by brand, lines of business, region, agency or something else.
  5. Enter a project name and click Next.
  6. Select the assets you’d like to include and click Next.
  7. Select the people you’d like to add and the corresponding permissions.
  8. Click Create.

Confirmation that you’ve created your project will appear on your screen. Now you can add, remove or edit the people and assets in the project. When you add a new person to an existing business asset group, you’ll also assign permissions by asset type for all assets in the group. When you add a new asset, everyone in the group will get permission to it based on the permissions you defined for them.

For EasyAutoTagging to process ads your ad account needs to be active.

In addition, make sure that your domain is verified and that all assets (i.e. pages, pixels and ad accounts) are properly assigned in the Facebook Business Manager.

Below are examples of assets you can connect in the Facebook Business Manager:

Verified Domain Connected Asset: 

verified domain connected Facebook page

Facebook Pixel Connected Asset:

Facebook pixel connected ad account

Instagram Account Connected Asset:

Instagram account connected ad account

Ad Account Connected Asset:

Facebook ad account connected line of business

Catalog Associated Source:

shopping catalog associated source Facebook pixel