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Email Marketing

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Welcome email

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Welcome emails enable brands to set the foundation for the kind of cooperation they will have with their subscribers. Given that these emails are sent after purchase or upon subscribing to a company’s newsletter, many of these messages are read which, means that the impression they give the reader is what they will hold over time.

To ensure that these emails get to customer inboxes as soon as possible, it makes sense to work with a reliable email marketing service. A good email marketing service offers ready-made email templates, flexible email campaign builder, a bunch of useful features and authentication options for better email deliverability.

Why are welcome emails important?

  • Engages customers better
  • Saves time
  • Decreases spam complaints and unsubscribes
  • Allows sending relevant campaigns
  • Increases customer loyalty
  • Gives options for segmentation

Welcome email not only sets the tone for further cooperation with a customer but helps reach the following goals:

Engages customers better

Welcome emails have higher engagement levels compared to other types of emails. As such, they give a business the perfect opportunity to engage new subscribers and convince them to act. According to the infographic referenced above (Invesp), welcome emails have four times more opens and five times more clicks than other marketing emails. Moreover, these emails have a 50 percent open rate, thus making them 86 percent more effective than newsletters.

Saves time

Welcome emails are sent to new subscribers automatically. Hence, they keep marketers from having to connect with new leads manually, which is often a time-consuming task.

Decreases spam complaints and unsubscribes

Welcome emails introduce a brand to the customer. As such, the next time the business sends an email, the customer will be receptive to it. This will, in turn, reduce the chances of subscribers raising spam complaints or unsubscribing.

Allows sending relevant campaigns

Brands usually add the link to the Preference Center, where subscribers can choose the desired email frequency as well as the content to receive. This way, the brand can create different user segments to meet subscribers’ needs.

Increases customer loyalty

With the right welcome email campaigns, businesses forge lifelong relationships with customers. How so? These emails enable marketers to develop a sense of community in the recipient. For instance, an email with a message such as “Welcome to the club, Anne!” will make Anne feel like she belongs somewhere. In turn, she will feel loyal to the brand that sent her the message.

Another way welcome emails foster customer loyalty is by providing readers with several opportunities to interact with a company. These emails give marketers a chance to add links to websites, blogs, and social media accounts related to their brand.

Gives options for segmentation

Welcome emails also enable businesses to make informed decisions that go a long way in boosting customer loyalty. Marketers can use these emails to collect useful data on leads. After that, they can use that information to precisely target their customers. And by providing them with a better experience, customers are more inclined to stay.

How to Write a Welcome Email

  1. Introduce the business
  2. Give thanks
  3. Write an attention-grabbing subject line
  4. Set expectations
  5. Offer value upfront
  6. Personalize the message
  7. Write a relevant and clear call-to-action
  8. Share useful resources
  9. Get social

Here are useful tips for writing welcome emails:

  • Introduce the business. Marketers should use welcome emails to share more information about their business. It is necessary to include an easy-to-spot sender name in the email, as well.
  • Give thanks. A marketer should write a “thank you” to show that they appreciate customers’ decision to subscribe to their messages. An image, suitable GIF, or a single line of text can achieve this.
  • Write an attention-grabbing subject line. Craft a unique and clear subject line. To come up with an effective one, do several A/B tests to identify the one that generates the highest click-through and open rates.
  • Set expectations. Provide information on the frequency customers will receive emails from the business. Besides, it’s a good practice to let customers set the email sending frequency. This way, you will have fewer unsubscribes and spam complaints.
  • Offer value upfront. Do not overwhelm your customers with irrelevant marketing messages. Instead, focus on discounts, tips and tricks, and other valuable information that encourage them to purchase.
  • Personalize the message. Personalized emails appeal to the target audience more than generic content. You can use SendPulse to send more targeted emails that yield higher open and click rates.
  • Write a relevant and clear call-to-action (CTA). Create effective CTAs that guide the reader to the next step. However, do not confuse the audience with tons of CTAs in the email.
  • Share useful resources. Provide links to relevant content and resources to get customers more engaged with the company. Videos, guides, blog posts, are some of the resources brands can share with their audiences.
  • Get social. Link out to social channels related to your brand. Doing this will enable customers to connect with the business on other platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and so forth.