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Feedback email

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A feedback email is an email you send intending to acquire a response from your recipients concerning their experience with your product or service. The request email enables you to know what they like most about your brand and what requires improvement.

In addition, you get to obtain information about your competitors’ offers through these responses without necessarily doing any research.

Your feedback emails can take the following forms:

  • Asking the recipients to respond by sharing their opinions
  • Adding a scale 1 to 10 survey format
  • Sending multiple-choice answers or open-ended questions forms
  • Asking the customers to assess certain features of your product or service

Benefits of Customer Feedback Emails

1. Customer Satisfaction Assessment

Feedback emails enable you to know the issues customers are facing when engaging with your product. Consequently, you can offer the necessary support to enhance a better customer experience with your brand.  

2. Discovering New Opportunities

Customer feedback helps identify other techniques your competitors are using. By incorporating them into your business strategy, you can attract new customers and retain the existing ones.

3. Products And Services Improvement

Customers’ continuous interaction with the product or services enables them to identify areas that require improvement.

A company that implements customer feedback encourages them to stay and attract new ones.

4. Create Customer Loyalty

A customer will remain devoted to your brand if you show some care. By showing that you value your customer’s feedback, you make them always choose your brand over your competitor’s.

Feedback Email Best Practices

Writing an excellent feedback email is essential in gathering valuable data from your clients. Various factors can influence your customers’ response to your email. Below are tips that will impact how the recipients respond to your feedback emails.

1. Use An Appropriate Subject Line

The subject determines your email’s open rate. If you are offering an incentive, it’s advisable to add it in the subject line.

Also, you can include the recipient’s full name and the time it will take them to provide feedback. In addition, consider using words like “urgent” and “invited” for better results.

Look at the following examples:

  • Hi (recipient name), what is your experience with our new (product)?
  • Let’s hear from you, earn up to 40% off on your next purchase!
  • Spare a minute and talk to us.
  • Help improve (product) by sharing your opinion.
  • You’re invited! 

2. Personalize Your Approach

You can tailor your email by addressing your recipient by name in the greetings section. For example, “Hi Mary Andrew.”

This approach increases the reader’s response rate as they feel that the sender is clearly interested in their opinion.

3. Add A Clear CTA

Using a call to action that stands out from the email body is essential, especially where you link to an external survey. The CTA inspires the reader to respond accordingly.

4. Be Brief and Direct

Most people will shy away if you send them a list of survey questions. Writing short and specific emails with a few questions increases the chances of customers opening your emails. Keep in mind that your recipients are busy people!

5. Incentivize Your Email

Offering incentives makes the recipient feel that you value their time and are part of your business. They are therefore motivated to respond to your feedback email.

6. Disclose The Purpose of The Feedback

When you reveal what you intend to do with the information you collect and its importance, you give the recipient a reason to respond.

7. Right Timing

When sending your feedback email, it’s crucial to consider the time factor. For example, send your onboarding process feedback request one week after the completion of the process.

Where you require customers to give a review, provide them with enough time to engage with the product before sending your review request email.