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  1. Gads account organization
    9 Topics
    1 Quiz
  2. Search ads
    36 Topics
    1 Quiz
  3. Display Ads
    16 Topics
    1 Quiz
  4. Video Ads
    17 Topics
    1 Quiz
  5. Analytics
    19 Topics
    1 Quiz
  6. GAds Optimization
    8 Topics
    1 Quiz
  7. Audience Manager
    8 Topics
    1 Quiz
  8. GAds tools and settings
    26 Topics
    1 Quiz
  9. Google Ads and Facebook
    9 Topics
    1 Quiz
Lesson 3, Topic 15
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A standard advertisement appears your inventive to clients. They serve to a arrangement and show the creatives allotted to them. To set up a standard advertisement, tap Unused > Standard in your campaign. When somebody visits a location with Campaign Chief 360 arrangement labels, Campaign Chief 360 serves the advertisement and the inventive shows up. The imaginative doled out to your advertisement is what the client sees on the location. Diverse advertisements may serve depending on focusing on criteria. Standard advertisements are either interstitial or in-page. You’ll be able utilize standard advertisements for any imaginative sort you want: display, in-stream, and wealthy media. You’ll too utilize standard advertisements for divert creatives.

Requirements for advertising in Google Ads are divided into 4 main types:

  • Technical requirements
  • Content with restrictions
  • Prohibited Content
  • Prohibited Activities

The technical requirements are as follows:

  • The visible URL for one ad group must contain only one domain and lead to one site.
  • HTML5 ads should not be empty and not display correctly.
  • It is forbidden to massively upload a large number of items to your account.
  • It is forbidden to use a language that differs from the language of the country for which geotargeting is configured.
  • The promotional video must be public and playable in the country selected for targeting.
  • The video format must be supported by Google services.
  • There are a number of restrictions on placing scripts. These restrictions include:
  1.  ban on scripts that bypass Google Ads restrictions
  2. scripts that damage Google
  3. excessive use of scripts

Google puts forward a number of requirements for each ad format, which must be followed. Restrictions when setting up ads are related to the specifics of the country where ads are displayed. Some regions have specific legal requirements or prohibitions on advertising certain products.

Restricted ads include:

  • Legal Requirements
  • Goods and services for the 18+ category
  • Copyright related advertising
  • Fundraising, free computer software, ticket sales, sponsorship
  • Alcohol and products containing it
  • Policy related content
  • Financial products and services
  • Online casino, betting, poker and other gambling
  • Trademarks
  • Goods and services aimed at children
  • Medications

Prohibited content refers to advertising of products that cannot be shown on Google sites in general. Such content is:

  • Programs that allow hacking computer systems, cheating traffic, falsifying documents, including diplomas of education, as well as any other malicious services.
  • Prohibited Substances, Firearms and Ammunition, Explosive Substances and Devices, and a range of other dangerous goods and services.
  • Insult, humiliation on any social grounds, shock content, violence, cruelty, murder.
  • Advertising fakes that completely copy already registered trademarks.

Specifications for text ads:

  • The headline is the first thing that catches your eye. The best option is to select keywords that potential customers can use to search for your product or service. You can place up to 3 headlines in one ad.
  • The description is under the heading. Usually used for a call to action: make a purchase or leave a request, register, participate in a promotion.
  • The address of the site to which the ad leads is called the display URL. It includes a domain and a Path field that helps customers understand which page they will land on. In the ad, the “Display URL” is highlighted in green.

Text ad example

Пример текстового объявления в Гугл Адс
 Заголовок 1Заголовок 2Заголовок 3Описание 1Описание 2Путь (2)
Текстовые объявления30 символов30 символов30 символов90 символов90 символовПо 15 символов в каждом

Technical requirements for display ads

 Длинный заголовокЗаголовок 1 – 5Описание 1 – 5Типы файловВидеообъявления
Медийные объявленияДо 90 символов25 символовДо 90 символовФорматы GIF, JPG, PNG Максимальный размер 150 КБ .MOV; .MPEG4; .MP4; .AVI; .WMV; .MPEGPS; .FLV; .3GP; .WebM; DNxHR; ProRes; CineForm; HEVC (H.265). 

Display ad example

Пример медийного объявления в Гугл Адс

Shopping ad

Shopping campaigns may help you market your online and local inventory, increase traffic to your website or local shop, and acquire more qualified leads if you’re a merchant. To get started, use Merchant Center to email us your product data and set up a Google Ads campaign. Then, using your campaign, we’ll run advertising on Google and elsewhere on the internet so that potential consumers can see what you’re offering. Because they appear in a distinct, more visible manner, we term these placements Shopping advertising. Unlike text advertisements, which simply show text, Shopping ads show viewers a photo of your product as well as a title, price, shop name, and other information.

Benefits of Shopping ad:

  • Better qualified leads. As a merchant, you may improve the quality of your leads by including product information directly in your advertising, which will allow users to make more educated purchasing decisions. 
  • Retail-focused campaign management made simple. Instead of keywords, Shopping ads show your advertisements in relevant searches based on the product parameters you established in your Merchant Center data feed. Create product groups for the goods you wish to bid on by browsing your product inventory directly in Google Ads. 
  • Broader reach. For a particular user search, more than one of your Shopping ads may display, and if applicable, a Shopping ad and a text ad may appear at the same time. This implies that your user reach for a single search might be doubled.
  • Powerful reporting and competitive data. Get a detailed picture of how your items are performing at any time. You can check how many clicks a certain brand of high-heeled shoes received simply by filtering your goods view—no need to create new product groups. To gain insight into your competitive landscape, use benchmarking data. Using impression share statistics and the Bid Simulator tool, identify growth potential.