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  1. Snippets
    11 Topics
  2. LSI copywriting
    4 Topics
  3. Email Newsletter
    17 Topics
  4. Video Descriptions
    11 Topics
  5. Blog Posts Copywriting
    15 Topics
  6. SEO Copywriting
    13 Topics
    1 Quiz
  7. Rewriting
    5 Topics
    1 Quiz
  8. Text For Landing page
    5 Topics
  9. Product Description Copywriting
    15 Topics
  10. Creative copywriting
    22 Topics
    1 Quiz
Lesson 7, Topic 1
In Progress

What is a rewriting?

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Rewrite – a modified and technically unique text with the same meaning as the original article.

Rewriting is a technique or process of creating text, which is based on changing the structure of the source text, the order of words, replacing them with synonyms while maintaining the meaning of the source.

The main difference between rewriting and copywriting is that in the first case, the performer only has to convey in his own words the meaning of the source without his own comments and without describing his own experience. As a result of copywriting, an author’s text is created based on several studied sources and the author’s personal experience.

Features of quality rewriting: 

  • no water in text
  • literacy
  • clear structure 
  • uniqueness


  • modify the text, adhering to the source code in a strict order
  • do not allow additions to the source
  • do not describe personal point of view

Tricks of copywriter:

  • use of synonyms
  • indirect speech
  • sentence structure

Who is a rewriter?

A rewriter is a person who rewrites existing texts in order to create new unique texts. The rewriter does not compose, he describes in other words the thought expressed in the article, makes reformulations. The meaning and idea of the text should remain the same as in the original article. A rewriter is a person who does not create a completely unique author’s text (this is already called copywriting), but only modifies one or more sources.

Requirements for a rewriter:

1.The rewriter needs to convey the idea of ​​any article in his own words, but, at the same time, not change its main meaning. Such a text should be understandable to every person who will read and analyze it.

2. Therefore, it is important to have the ability to write simply, clearly and readably. Often, simple language helps to adapt complex information, which increases the level of its perception by readers and benefits the person who commissioned the rewriting work.

3. A rewriter needs to be able to understand the source material and separate the main from the secondary, and be able to present information beautifully and clearly (usually from a third person).

Differences between writing and rewriting

Copywriting differs from rewriting in that the former is an act of creativity. The second is mechanical work. The rewriter does not create anything new, he parasitizes on the thoughts of other people. All that he can do is process sources, give texts a uniqueness and harmoniously, in a new way, express other people’s thoughts. This is not creative, but a routine production process. A rewriter does not create in the full sense of the word, he masters the volumes of text, adapting them for the Web.

Rewriting is a type of text, the task of which is to concisely and sensibly tell about a product (service). Usually, information is copied from someone else’s text on the same subject, but in your own words. The main idea of ​​the original source is preserved. In rewrites, the author does not need to draw his own conclusions, although the main message is the same as in copywriting—to interest the target audience (TA) and convince them to apply for a product (service) to this, and not another Internet resource.

There should be no coincidences in phrases or sentences. The exception is:

  • Quotes
  • Keywords (that you need to use a certain number of times in the course of writing the material)