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Facebook Ads

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  1. Fb Ads Manager
    21 Topics
  2. Set up ad campaigns, ad sets, and ads
    40 Topics
  3. Ad creating
    13 Topics
    1 Quiz
  4. Monitor performance
    12 Topics
    1 Quiz
  5. Retargeting
    27 Topics
  6. Instagram
    7 Topics
    1 Quiz
  7. Boosted Posts
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
  8. Page Promotion
    1 Topic
    1 Quiz
  9. Lead Gen Ads
    6 Topics
    1 Quiz
Lesson 5, Topic 8
In Progress

Creating Dynamic Retargeted Ads

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Why You Should Use Dynamic Ads?

There are a number of reasons why all advertisers should consider using dynamic product ads. These ads are:

Highly personalized – Dynamic product ads show the most relevant products to users who have previously visited your website, which makes leads and sales more likely. Your audience network loves content they can familiarize with.

Focused on products – Dynamic product ads are focused on showcasing your products and as such tend to attract visitors from audiences with greater purchase intent.

Updated in real-time – Dynamic ads automatically get updated and don’t require the constant manual updating that is required by standard ads.

Optimized for cross-device targeting – Dynamic ads are optimized for both desktop and mobile devices and target customers across all devices. For instance, if a shopper visits your website on a mobile device and then accesses it again from their desktop computer at a later time, they will still see your ads.

Highly effective – Brands document astonishing results when using dynamic ads for their Facebook, Instagram or overall online advertising.

Just take a look at Wavemaker’s recent successful results. As a global agency focused on growth marketing and providing pioneering solutions for its clients, this Slovak giant surpassed all marketing expectations with highly personalized and attractive dynamic product ad designs, resulting in an up to 50%-decrease in CPA.


Then again, the Nordic countries’​ largest eCommerce player, Komplett, used dynamic product ads to target consumers with extremely relevant ads at all stages of the sales funnel. The results: ​​boosted conversions, 80% time saved when creating ads, and new audiences unlocked.


How To Set Up Dynamic Product Ads

What are the benefits of dynamic product ads? Well, there are a few, but the biggest benefit is simplicity. However, it is very important to set them up correctly.

We are going to guide you through the four steps you need to go through to start using dynamic ads on Facebook or Instagram.

1. Install Facebook Pixel and Add Events

The first thing you need to do is create and install the Facebook Pixel on your website. To create a Facebook Pixel, go to Ads Manager > Pixels > Create Pixel.

You will get a snippet of code that you will need to add to the header section of your website’s code.

After adding the code to your website, you must check if the Pixel is working by clicking on Send traffic.

If the status says “Active”, you can move on to adding event codes.


For dynamic product ads, the events that you will want to add include View Content, Add to Cart, and Purchase. You will need to add their event codes to your website as well.

To check if the event codes are installed correctly, you can use the Chrome extension Facebook Pixel Helper.

2.Create a Product Feed

A product feed contains all the information about your products (e.g. product description, price, number of products in stock, etc.).

It is used to provide Facebook with all the information it needs to create dynamic ads for your website.

The process of creating a product feed can differ based on which platform your website was created on.

Ecommerce platforms such as Shopify and WooCommerce have apps and plugins which make this process quick and easy.

You can also opt for creating a feed manually by adding all the information about your products to a CSV file and then uploading the file to Facebook Business Manager.

The downside of using this method is that products don’t get automatically updated every time a change occurs (e.g. product price increases or decreases).

After your product feed is completed, it will be available at an automatically determined location on your website (e.g.

3. Set up your Facebook Catalog

The next step is to create a Facebook Catalog, which will contain all the information about your products.

The information will be used when advertising your products with dynamic ads.

To create the Catalog, go to Facebook Business Manager > Assets > Catalogs and then choose the type of Catalog most relevant for your business.


Next, choose a name for your Catalog and click on Create.

The next step is to connect the product feed (which you’ve created earlier) to the Catalog by going to View Catalog > Data sources > Add data source > Set a schedule and then paste the URL of your product feed in the Add a data feed URL section.

Finally, choose an update schedule for your feed, the feed name, and the currency you use and click Upload.

After your product feed is uploaded, you will need to connect an event source by clicking the Connect event source button and choosing the correct Facebook Pixel.

This means you are finally ready to create your ad campaign.

4. Create Your Dynamic Product Ads Campaign

To create a dynamic product ads campaign, go to Ads Manager > Create > Select quick creation.

Type in your campaign name, choose Auction as the Buying Type and Catalog sales as the campaign objective.

Finally, type in a name for your ad set and click Save draft.

Change Budget Optimization

To set your campaign budget, turn on Budget optimization and set a campaign budget that you can afford.

Set Up Your Ad Set

Set up your ad set by going to Ads manager > Ad sets, checking the checkbox next to the ad set’s name and clicking on the pencil icon.


Here, you will need to choose the products that you want to promote, set the budget, and choose a schedule and audience. If this is your first time creating dynamic ads, select Automatic Placements in the Placements section.