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Facebook Ads

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  1. Fb Ads Manager
    21 Topics
  2. Set up ad campaigns, ad sets, and ads
    40 Topics
  3. Ad creating
    13 Topics
    1 Quiz
  4. Monitor performance
    12 Topics
    1 Quiz
  5. Retargeting
    27 Topics
  6. Instagram
    7 Topics
    1 Quiz
  7. Boosted Posts
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
  8. Page Promotion
    1 Topic
    1 Quiz
  9. Lead Gen Ads
    6 Topics
    1 Quiz
Lesson 2, Topic 4
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What are consideration objectives?

Consideration objectives sit in the middle of your marketing funnel. Campaigns like these are for people who know who you are and want to learn more. Their purpose is to motivate your audience to take a low level, easy action, like visiting your website or joining your email list. There are six consideration objectives.

1. Lead generation – collect information from people interested in your companies, goods or services

Main reporting metric: leads generated / cost per lead

Lead generation campaigns use Facebook’s lead tool. This inbuilt form pops up when a user clicks on an ad. It’s pre-filled with the user information they have stored on their Facebook profile, like their name, email address and phone number. 

These campaigns generate loads of leads at a low cost. The sign up journey is super easy, so they lower the barrier for entry. Use them for things like petition signatures or value exchange.

A word of warning: don’t use this campaign objective if you’re hosting your lead generation form on your website (that’s a different type of conversion). This campaign objective is for Facebook forms only.

2. Traffic – take people away from Facebook to your website

Main reporting metric: link clicks / link click rate / cost per link click

Use traffic optimisation when you want to drive people onto your website. You can optimise traffic objectives in two ways: 

  • link clicks, which finds people most likely to click on ads, and 
  • landing page views, which finds people who are most likely to click then wait for the page to load fully.

Traffic campaigns drive people to a page when you don’t need them to do anything else. They’re great for directing people to pages containing resources or promoting helplines or services. They’re also useful for creating an audience that you can retarget later. 

3. Engagement – make sure your campaign reaches people most likely to engage with your content

Main reporting metric: engagement rate

This objective drives interaction on your posts, like comments, shares, or likes. You’ll need to moderate this closely because not all interaction is good, and that can artificially inflate your engagement rates.This optimisation is perfect for building up page engagements that you can retarget later.

4. App installs – send people directly to download your app

Main reporting metric: app installs / cost per install

This one’s self-explanatory. Use this when you want to drive users to a Google Play or Apple store to download an app you’ve developed.

5. Video views – share video with people the most likely to watch

Main reporting metric: video views / video watch time

Use this objective when you’ve developed a video you’d like people to watch. If you have a new brand video or video promoting a service, you’ll want Facebook to optimise for people who are likely to stop and watch it part or most of the way through.

This objective isn’t the same as the brand awareness objective. Though they’re theoretically both brand strategies, video views come under a consideration objective because you’re still asking people to take an action: watch a video, often to a certain length. Brand awareness campaigns are a bit more passive. You’ll need to pick the objective that best suits the action you want people to take.

6. Messages – communicate with people interested in your cause

Use this objective when you want to drive people to your Facebook Messenger, Instagram direct messages, or WhatsApp to start conversations with you.

For example, you might be using a chatbot to promote a new service – this is a great objective to use then.

Choosing the best objective for your campaign

Before creating your campaign in Ad Manager, carefully consider your goals, success measures, and the call to action – what are you inspiring people to do with your ad? Chances are you’ll have several campaign goals, but make sure you only choose one. Which single metric is the most important?

Consideration objectives are the right choice for your campaign if you’re trying to:

  • generate leads with a value exchange offer at the lowest cost
  • promoting an informational page about new services, or
  • reach people more likely to engage with your content.