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Landing page

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    Что такое целевая страница (Landing Page)?
  2. Анатомия посадочной страницы
    5 Topics
    1 Quiz
  3. Формулы для построения посадочных страниц
    4 Topics
  4. Правила использования лендинга
    1 Topic
  5. Этапы перед созданием лендинга
    3 Topics
  6. Типы целевых страниц
    3 Topics
  7. Виды целевых страниц
    4 Topics
  8. Структура лендинга
    34 Topics
    1 Quiz
  9. Copywrite
    What is landing page?
    1 Quiz
  10. Types of landing pages
    11 Topics
    1 Quiz
  11. Anatomy of landing page
    11 Topics
    1 Quiz
  12. Formulas of landing pages
    1 Quiz
  13. Tips for good landing pages
    1 Quiz
  14. Development
    2 Topics
    2 Quizzes
  15. Список полезных плагинов и библиотек для работы с лендингами
    3 Topics
  16. Верстка
    2 Topics
    1 Quiz
  17. UX for developers
    1 Topic
  18. Customer avatar
    Аватар клиента
    1 Quiz
Lesson 11, Topic 3
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Every element that goes on your landing page performs a unique function for your visitor. The headline captures their attention and entices them to stay on the page. Your headline is the first thing your visitors sees when he or she lands on the page. Make a great first impression with your headline and the visitor stays, make a bad one and they bounce. It’s as simple as that. There are many other things to consider when writing effective headlines. But, regardless of whether your landing page is promoting a free trial for your SaaS, or a discount coupon for your nail salon, the headline will only be effective if it possesses the following three characteristics:

• Clarity – It gets right to the point and connects with the visitor as soon as he or she lands on the page.

• Relevance – If your ad says “free trial” and your landing page headline doesn’t mention a trial, then you can bet your visitors will bounce.

• Empathy – Headlines demonstrate the benefits of the product and reassure visitors that their problem can be solved.

The best headlines don’t rely on clickbait. They shouldn’t purposefully withhold information. 

Types of headlines:

• To the point headlines work great if your target audience doesn’t have the time to appreciate humorous headlines. In this case, analyze your buyer personas and craft your headlines accordingly.

• The “how to” headline doesn’t necessarily have to include this phrase in the headline, however, it should provide a workable solution to the visitor’s problem.

• A “number or statistical” headline attaches a number value to your value proposition.

• An “action” headline commands your visitors to do a specific action, a deed that’s going to bring some benefit to them or prevent them from some loss.