Landing page
DESIGNЧто такое целевая страница (Landing Page)?
Анатомия посадочной страницы5 Topics|1 Quiz
Формулы для построения посадочных страниц4 Topics
Правила использования лендинга1 Topic
Этапы перед созданием лендинга3 Topics
Типы целевых страниц3 Topics
Виды целевых страниц4 Topics
Структура лендинга34 Topics|1 Quiz
Заголовок лендинга: оффер с УПТ
Форма заказа / лид-форма
Призыв к действию
Фотографии товара /фон
Слайдер для лендинга
О компании / проекте / продукте
Для кого предложение — описание ЦА
Блок преимуществ
Сравнение с аналогами
Этапы работы
Пример результата
Призыв к действию — СТА
Партнеры и клиенты
Контактные данные
Факты и цифры
Сертификаты, лицензии
Подвал лендинга/футер
Кнопки соцсетей в футере лендинга
Таймер на лендинге
Всплывающие окна
Виджет обратного звонка
Акция, ограниченное предложение, дефицит
Лид-магнит для лендинга
Страница благодарности и страница апселла для лендинга
Кнопки лендинга
Заголовок лендинга: оффер с УПТ
CopywriteWhat is landing page?1 Quiz
Types of landing pages11 Topics|1 Quiz
Anatomy of landing page11 Topics|1 Quiz
Formulas of landing pages1 Quiz
Tips for good landing pages1 Quiz
DevelopmentАналитика2 Topics|2 Quizzes
Список полезных плагинов и библиотек для работы с лендингами3 Topics
Верстка2 Topics|1 Quiz
UX for developers1 Topic
Customer avatarАватар клиента1 Quiz
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Unique selling proposition (USP)
A unique selling proposition, more commonly referred to as a USP, is the one thing that makes your business better than the competition. It’s a specific benefit that makes your business stand out when compared to other businesses in your market. Forming an opinionated and deliberate USP helps focus your marketing strategy and influences messaging, branding, copywriting, and other marketing decisions. At its core, a USP should quickly answer a potential customer’s most immediate question when they encounter your brand: “What makes you different from the competition?”
Your USP plays to your strengths and should be based on what makes your brand or product uniquely valuable to your customers. Being “unique” is rarely a strong USP in itself. You have to differentiate around some aspect your target audience cares about, otherwise your messaging won’t be nearly as effective.
What a unique selling proposition isn’t? Specific marketing offers—like 10% off, free shipping, 24/7 customer service, or a strong return policy—are not USPs. Convincing and effective though they may be, they’re not unique on their own, nor are they positions that are easy to defend as any of your competitors can copy them.A unique selling proposition is a statement you choose to embody that differentiates your products and your brand from your competitors. A USP is also not just the header copy on your homepage. It’s a position your small business takes as a whole that can be incorporated into your products, your brand, the experience you provide, and any other touch point your customers have with your business. The best way to understand what makes a powerful USP is through examples. So here are ten examples of unique selling propositions that get it right and what you can learn from each.