Landing page
DESIGNЧто такое целевая страница (Landing Page)?
Анатомия посадочной страницы5 Topics|1 Quiz
Формулы для построения посадочных страниц4 Topics
Правила использования лендинга1 Topic
Этапы перед созданием лендинга3 Topics
Типы целевых страниц3 Topics
Виды целевых страниц4 Topics
Структура лендинга34 Topics|1 Quiz
Заголовок лендинга: оффер с УПТ
Форма заказа / лид-форма
Призыв к действию
Фотографии товара /фон
Слайдер для лендинга
О компании / проекте / продукте
Для кого предложение — описание ЦА
Блок преимуществ
Сравнение с аналогами
Этапы работы
Пример результата
Призыв к действию — СТА
Партнеры и клиенты
Контактные данные
Факты и цифры
Сертификаты, лицензии
Подвал лендинга/футер
Кнопки соцсетей в футере лендинга
Таймер на лендинге
Всплывающие окна
Виджет обратного звонка
Акция, ограниченное предложение, дефицит
Лид-магнит для лендинга
Страница благодарности и страница апселла для лендинга
Кнопки лендинга
Заголовок лендинга: оффер с УПТ
CopywriteWhat is landing page?1 Quiz
Types of landing pages11 Topics|1 Quiz
Anatomy of landing page11 Topics|1 Quiz
Formulas of landing pages1 Quiz
Tips for good landing pages1 Quiz
DevelopmentАналитика2 Topics|2 Quizzes
Список полезных плагинов и библиотек для работы с лендингами3 Topics
Верстка2 Topics|1 Quiz
UX for developers1 Topic
Customer avatarАватар клиента1 Quiz
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“About Us” Landing Page
What is an About Us landing page?
The About Us landing page is commonly used by all types of businesses to give customers more insight into who is involved with a given business and exactly what it does. The history of a business is often provided, and the histories of the people in charge are usually expressed through short articles, usually accompanied by photographs.
Depending on the specific company, some information about goals, attitudes, or other aspects of culture that aren’t strictly tied to business practices are included as well.
The about us page is often a reflection of the purpose and personality of the business and its owners or top employees. Finally, the page can also incorporate contact or locational information. One way to view the about us concept is as a text self-portrait or short autobiography created by a business.
What is the main purpose of the About Us landing page?
The primary purpose of an about us page is to inform the reader about the company and its operations, and to inspire people — either to work with you or to buy your product. This is a straightforward goal that nearly all businesses have to fulfill in some fashion or another.
How to write content for the About Us landing page?
Elements: mission statement, a brief company description, corporate history, and core values.
What to include (optional):
- Unique story (a text self-portrait or short autobiography created by a business)
- The purpose and personality of the business
- Owners
- Employees
- The histories of the people in charge
- A list of credentials, certifications, awards
- Photos
- Personal interests
- Contact or locational information
- Social share buttons
Think about your audience.
What types of people are visiting your About Us page? Who are they?
They’re trying to determine if they can trust you. They want to peek behind the curtain and see if your company is one they’d like to do business with. They seek answers to questions like these:
- Is this a big company or a small one?
- Is it a public company, private or family-owned business?
- How long have you been in business?
- Who’s at the helm?
- Where are you located?
- What makes your company unique?
- What are its core values and beliefs?
- Why should I buy from you as opposed to your competitor?
A remarkable About page is genuine, approachable, and distinguished. It should give the visitor a glimpse into what working with you and your business might be like.
- Be creative. Tell a story.
- Describe your values.
- Inspire trust by providing useful info.
- Keep your copy simple.
- Explain who you serve.
- Explain what you’re offering them.
- Tell visitors what they want to know.
- Specifics are better than bold claims.
- Use facts, not hype. Users can see straight through it. Leave it for social media.
- Avoid a sales pitch. If a reader is on your About Us page, they’re looking at why they should choose you. So don’t sell your product or service. Sell you.
- Include customer testimonials.
- Don’t follow the crowd. Make sure your page stands out.
- Feature faces. Consumers like to know who they’re buying from or working with, so make sure to feature at least some of your team on your About page.
- Don’t forget about CTAs. Like any other page, About Us pages need calls to action. Make it clear to readers what you want them to do next.