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Landing page

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    Что такое целевая страница (Landing Page)?
  2. Анатомия посадочной страницы
    5 Topics
    1 Quiz
  3. Формулы для построения посадочных страниц
    4 Topics
  4. Правила использования лендинга
    1 Topic
  5. Этапы перед созданием лендинга
    3 Topics
  6. Типы целевых страниц
    3 Topics
  7. Виды целевых страниц
    4 Topics
  8. Структура лендинга
    34 Topics
    1 Quiz
  9. Copywrite
    What is landing page?
    1 Quiz
  10. Types of landing pages
    11 Topics
    1 Quiz
  11. Anatomy of landing page
    11 Topics
    1 Quiz
  12. Formulas of landing pages
    1 Quiz
  13. Tips for good landing pages
    1 Quiz
  14. Development
    2 Topics
    2 Quizzes
  15. Список полезных плагинов и библиотек для работы с лендингами
    3 Topics
  16. Верстка
    2 Topics
    1 Quiz
  17. UX for developers
    1 Topic
  18. Customer avatar
    Аватар клиента
    1 Quiz
Lesson 10, Topic 4
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Squeeze landing pages

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What is a Squeeze landing page?

A squeeze page is a type of landing page—one that is specifically designed to capture visitor email addresses (versus other types of information). You persuade or “squeeze” visitors to provide this info by presenting a special offer, gating valuable content, or restricting access in some way.

What is the main purpose of Squeeze landing page?

A squeeze page designed to collect email addresses from visitors and potential customers.


This picture shows how GQ Magazine uses a celebrity image on its squeeze page to collect email newsletter signups.

How to write content for Squeeze landing page?

Squeeze pages are usually quite short. 

You shouldn’t coerce visitors into doing anything they don’t want to do—the best squeeze pages offer up something really valuable in exchange for that email address. It’s a worthwhile, non-spammy trade.

More like a gentle hug than a squeeze, actually.

Key differences:

  • Contain only one or two form fields: name and email address
  • Often much shorter and to-the-point
  • Always contain at least two form fields (for lead generation)
  • Often feature the bare minimum to keep visitors from overthinking
  • Typically used near the start of the buyer journey
  • Typically do not receive traffic from email sources


  • A headline that clearly communicates the benefit you are going to provide
  • A sub-headline
  • Supporting text that gives enough information for the visitor to make a decision
  • An embedded form that includes just one or two fields (typically, name and email address) so visitors can take action without leaving the page

What to include:

  • Create an Irresistible Lead Magnet (a newsletter, sweepstake, a coupon or discount, a printable checklist, a free webinar or video course, a template, worksheet, or online tool)
  • Visualize the Benefits (ex: “build the perfect nutrition plan for your dog’s unique breed” and “learn what the healthiest ingredients are for your pup.”)
  • In your headline and supporting copy, focus on the benefits that matter most to your visitors and they’ll be more likely to convert.
  • Use Social Proof
  • Keep It Brief
  • Target the Right Audience

Here are some steps you’ll want to take after your page is finished squeezing:

  • Show a “Thank You” Page
  • Send an Immediate Email