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Lesson 5, Topic 36
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Anchor Text HTML

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Example HTML

<a href=”https://www.example.com”>My sample page </a>

An anchor tag requires the href attribute which specifies the URL to be linked to. Other attributes can help improve the link’s appearance and behavior, but are not required.

href attribute

To create a hyperlink, the destination (address) of the document must be known. A hyperlink can link to pages on your own domain, to other websites, or to a file (such as a PDF document).

For example, to link to the Google homepage, the code is as follows:

<a href=”https://www.google.com”>Google Home</a>

Href stands for hypertext reference. This attribute defines the target address of the document, which this time is linked to (https://www.google.com). The “=” sign is the connection of the attribute with the attribute value, whereby “href” is the attribute and “ https://www.google.com ” is the attribute value. There is an apostrophe before and after the attribute value. The defined phrase “Google Home” is known as the anchor text or link text – this is what is visible and clickable for the user. An anchor text is ideally concise, informative, and relevant to the landing page.

If you want to link internally to another part of your website, you don’t have to specify the full address, in this case, the file name is sufficient:

<a href=”MyPage.html”>My page</a>

Anchor Tag

Name attribute

The name attribute of the anchor tag can be used to enable users to “jump” to a specific point on a page (jump marker, anchor). This is especially useful with large pages or subdivisions.

The HTML code looks like this:

<a name=”to top”></a> or

<a name=”Content”></a>Content

In the first code sample, you link from the bottom of a page back to the beginning, so users can quickly get to the top of the page without having to scroll for a long time. In the second example, users can directly access a part of the page, for example a subdivision point. By clicking, users are guided by name attributes directly to the subject.

<a href=”#Content”>Content</a>

By simply setting a hashtag (#) at the anchor name, the browser can identify a jump within the page.

You can also link to a specific location on another page internally. This would be defined as follows:

<a href=”anotherpage.html#name”>Linktext</a>

The “#name” is specified after the filename.

Target attribute

The target attribute specifies how the destination page or the target document should be opened. “target=” _ blank “ is used for the opening of the target page in a new tab. This is the usual option when using target attributes for linking to other pages.

<a href=”http://www.mypage.com” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>Linktext</a>

Title attribute

The title attribute gives users an important indication as to where they will be directed to when they click on a link. If the user hovers with the mouse over a link reference, the title text, which was defined in the attribute, will be displayed. This can be a tool tip, or description of the resource to which the link directs. The data from the title attribute makes the site more user-friendly.

The title attribute can also be used for images and graphic files to give a brief description of what is shown in the picture.

<img title=”Here you can see a sample image” src=”exampleimage.png” alt=”sample image”>