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Lesson 2, Topic 6
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Campaign objectives: Consideration. Website traffic

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Drive qualified traffic to your website

Increase traffic to a designated webpage and encourage visitors to take action once they get there — whether that’s reading your latest press release or driving audiences to a subscription page. This campaign leverages Twitter’s unique data signals to find the audiences most likely to take action on your website.

Website traffic campaign

Recent news

Check out our most recent blog post on website performance improvements where we go into detail on 3 products: Site Visits Optimization, Aggregated Measurement, and Events Manager.

Aggregated Measurement

We are introducing an initial offering of Aggregated Measurement for performance campaigns—aimed at providing conversion metrics by counting events in aggregate for audiences who have opted out of tracking on iOS devices. 

Within the Twitter Ads Manager Reporting you will be able to see an aggregated view of site metrics and conversion events, giving you a more complete view of your campaign results.

Site Visit Optimization

  • Prerequisites: 
    • Installed Javascript Twitter Website Tag: This is how Twitter is able to track actions that audiences take on your website and attribute them to your Twitter ads campaigns.
      • Click ID is a parameter that has been added to Javascript Twitter Website Tags. This URL parameter is automatically appended to the URLs in your ad campaign if the Javascript version of the Twitter Website Tag is set up. 
    • Set up Site Visit Conversion Event: This is how you tell Twitter what specific site visits you want to track on your landing pages. 
  • How to use this successfully:
    • Ensure you follow and correctly implement the prerequisites needed to gain the benefits from this product. 
  • Recommendations:
    • Note: The below recommendations are taken from split tests we ran with advertisers. To help ensure your campaigns are meeting performance expectations, we suggest experimenting with various levers you can pull when optimizing campaigns and see what combination works for you. 
    • Measurement:
      • Twitter’s Website Tag currently relies on URL rules to effectively track and measure conversions. 
      • This will help ensure site visit conversions are being more accurately reported. 
      • Ensure your URL rules are set up correctly and tracking the site visit conversions you want to measure.
        1. The following URLs need to match for Twitter to track and attribute site visits URL in the Site Visit event you are optimizing for
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2. URL you are driving to in your campaign setup

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3. URL where the Twitter Website Tag is firing. Twitter does not have full visibility into this, but you may check with your engineering/technical team.

  • Resources:
    • Utilize the Twitter Website Tag troubleshooting guide to navigate common issues or the Twitter Pixel Helper to validate that your website tag is tracking correctly.
  • Bidding:
    • Autobid is the default bid-type. We have seen the most positive results when paired with Site Visits Optimization as this has led to even pacing and the least cost at scale. 
    • Maxbid has been updated to allow you to bid on Site Visit events versus clicks. 
    • Moving to a CPM-based impression billing model for this optimization provides our delivery system with more flexibility to find qualified impressions that may result in Site Visits at a lower Cost-Per-Site-Visit.
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  • Targeting:
    • Use broader targeting parameters such as follower, interest or lookalike based audiences. 
    • This provides our system with more flexibility in finding audiences most likely to convert to a site visit.
    • Note: Custom audiences do not include opted out iOS 14.5 users. Keep this in mind when selecting your targeting criteria. 
  • Campaign Length and Budgets: 
    • If you are experiencing spend-through issues, start with smaller daily budgets and increase spend gradually.

Events Manager

  • Prerequisites:
    • No action is required from you as Events Manager is the new centralized source to view and set up your web-based conversion events. 
  • How to use this successfully: 
    • Ensure your Twitter Website Tag is implemented correctly. Once you complete the implementation of the Twitter Website tag, you will be able to manage your event sources to create audiences for targeting and also set up conversion events to let Twitter know what actions you want to track on your website. 
    • Events Manager will show you prompt status updates on whether your conversion event is implemented correctly. If incorrect, reference the resources below. 
  • Resources:
    • Twitter Website Tag troubleshooting guide: Reference this guide if you run into preliminary issues after setting up the Twitter Website Tag. 
    • Twitter Pixel Helper: Reference this resource to confirm if your website tag is set up correctly and sending data to Twitter.
  • Events Manager is located within Ads Manager by clicking on Tools > Events Manager (previously conversion tracking)
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  • Capture the html code needed for your Twitter Website Tag setup:
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  • Create a new conversion event: Locate this through Tools > Events Manager > Event Source
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Ad formats

For website clicks campaigns, we recommend these top-performing ad formats:

  • Image Ads with Website Buttons
  • Video Ads with Website Buttons
  • Carousel Ads

Creative and copy

With Cards and Carousels, your entire Tweet creative becomes a button to your landing page of choice. Make sure your image or video is eye-catching and makes sense with the link you’re driving to. This helps set expectations and reduce unintentional clicks. When choosing your web destination — send people somewhere they can take an action (ie. browse products, shop a sale, read an article, sign up for emails, etc).

Your copy should be consistent with your creative and off-platform content. Convey a sense of urgency in your Tweet copy to give people a reason to take action and click through now. Test different call-to-action options to see what resonates best.

Bidding strategy

  • We recommend experimenting with each bidding strategy to determine which yields the best performance for your campaigns.
  • Autobid is the default recommended bid type across all ad group goals as this allows our system the most flexibility to find audiences that will convert based on your campaign goal.

Targeting recommendations

Twitter offers industry-leading targeting features, such as conversation and event targeting. You can also target based on device and WiFi criteria to reach specific audiences using certain platforms. 

For website clicks campaigns, we recommend leveraging website activity custom audience targeting to reach your past website visitors. This is configured through Twitter’s universal website tracking tag and Click ID parameter. Once you’ve established an audience of website converters, you can also target look-alikes of that audience to reach more people.

Measuring results

Once your campaign is live, you can track real-time results in your Ads Manager dashboard. Important metrics to track include total spend, results (being link clicks), cost-per-result (or cost-per-click), and result rate.

Through Twitter’s website tracking tag, you’ll also be able to track cross-device conversions and measure your return-on-ad-spend by tracking the actions people take after viewing or engaging with your ads on Twitter. And with the additional Click ID parameter, you’ll have even more reliability in post-visit attributions and reductions in measurement discrepancies. If you have any issues with your website tag, please download our troubleshooting guide

You can also run measurement studies depending on the goals you want to achieve including brand lift, website attribution, buy-through rate, and sales impact.

Targeting recommendations

Twitter offers industry-leading targeting features, such as conversation and event targeting. You can also target based on device and WiFi criteria to reach specific audiences using certain platforms. 

For website clicks campaigns, we recommend leveraging website activity custom audience targeting to reach your past website visitors. This is configured through Twitter’s universal website tracking tag and Click ID parameter. Once you’ve established an audience of website converters, you can also target look-alikes of that audience to reach more people.

Measuring results

Once your campaign is live, you can track real-time results in your Ads Manager dashboard. Important metrics to track include total spend, results (being link clicks), cost-per-result (or cost-per-click), and result rate.

Through Twitter’s website tracking tag, you’ll also be able to track cross-device conversions and measure your return-on-ad-spend by tracking the actions people take after viewing or engaging with your ads on Twitter. And with the additional Click ID parameter, you’ll have even more reliability in post-visit attributions and reductions in measurement discrepancies. If you have any issues with your website tag, please download our troubleshooting guide

You can also run measurement studies depending on the goals you want to achieve including brand lift, website attribution, buy-through rate, and sales impact.


  • Twitter is standardizing the way we bill across the platform. Specific to website traffic campaigns, we have slowly been introducing “pay by impression” as the default option for campaigns using the “link clicks” or “site visits” ad group goals. Campaigns optimizing for the “conversion” ad group goal will continue to be billed by link clicks. 
  • We are making this update with the goal of helping advertisers achieve long term success on the platform. 
  • The existing billing infrastructure had to factor in multiple types of engagements (i.e clicks, views etc.) which makes it difficult to scale ad platforms to account for demand . 
  • Moving to a standardized “bill by impressions” system allows Twitter to modernize the way we bill advertisers with the long term goal of helping advertisers achieve more efficient performance across campaigns. 
  • We will continue to provide more updates as we make progress on this update.
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