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  1. Gads account organization
    9 Topics
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  2. Search ads
    36 Topics
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  3. Display Ads
    16 Topics
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  4. Video Ads
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  5. Analytics
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  6. GAds Optimization
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  7. Audience Manager
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  8. GAds tools and settings
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  9. Google Ads and Facebook
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Lesson 2, Topic 22
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NKW list

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Negative keywords let you exclude search terms from your campaigns and help you focus on only the keywords that matter to your customers. Better targeting can put your ad in front of interested users and increase your return on investment (ROI).

The best negative keywords are the ones that are the most often used in various industries.  These should be industries that are not relevant to your own.        

*NB– Every industry is different, so although these are popular negative keywords- you will need to go through each category and keyword to ensure that they are in fact irrelevant 100% of the time. For most industries, these negatives can be applied all of the time. The negative keyword list included below is over four hundred of the most popular negative keywords.    

Why Use Negative Keywords?

Negative Keywords help you save time and money by eliminating irrelevant impressions and clicks, which subsequently increases CTR and conversion rate. Negative keywords improve targeting by preventing your adverts showing for irrelevant searches. 

Using the Adwords Search Terms Report is the most common way of finding negative keywords. This search terms report shows the actual searches typed into Google by people who have clicked on your adverts and been to your website. While this is an essential exercise, creating a negative keyword list before you start advertising can save money from the outset. 

A negative keyword list acts as a line of defense against Google or Microsoft wasting your ad budget on queries that won’t help drive revenue for your business.

Some of the benefits of using negative keyword lists include:

  • Prevent your campaigns from competing with each other
  • Prevent your ads from triggering on unrelated searches
  • Increase your ability to use broad match keywords without wasting money
  • Decrease your customer acquisition costs
  • “Trim the fat” from your ad campaigns

Create and apply negative keyword lists to campaigns

Negative keyword lists can help you manage negative keywords across campaigns more efficiently. 

This is an instructional article that shows you how to create and apply negative keyword lists to campaigns. If you’d like more background, you may want to begin by learning more About negative keyword lists.

Create a negative keyword list

  1. From the page menu on the left, click Keywords.
  2. Click Negative keywords at the top.
  3. Click the plus button.
  4. Click Select a campaign, then select the campaign you want to add the negative keyword list to. 
  5. Enter or paste one negative keyword per line in the text field.
  6. Select the checkbox next to Save to new or existing list, and enter a name for your negative keyword list.
  7. Click Save.

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