Gads account organization9 Topics|1 Quiz
Search ads36 Topics|1 Quiz
Campaign creation
Settings (location, language, start/end date, networks, bid strategy (CPA/CPC), budget)
Start / End date
Bid strategy
Target cost per action (CPA)
Target return on ad spend (ROAS) (PPC)
Maximize Conversions (PPC)
Maximize Conversion Value
Enhanced cost per click
Keyword Strategy
Keyword Research
Keyword match types
Exact match
Phrase match
Broad Match
Negative Keywords
Search terms
Keywords Adding
NKW list
Managing Search Terms
Long-Tail Keywords
Create ad groups
Keyword structure
Single keyword ad groups
SKAG`s main benefits
Drawbacks to using SKAG KW groups
A-B testing
Adding a target URL
Write and start PPC Ads
Campaign creation
Display Ads16 Topics|1 Quiz
Video Ads17 Topics|1 Quiz
Video Ads
Choosing a goal
Choosing Ads Format
Settings (formats, location, budget)
Skippable in-stream ads
Non-skippable in-stream ads
In-feed video ads
Bumper ads
Outstream ads
Masthead ads
Excluded location (list)
CPV bidding
Target Impression Share Bidding
Bidding/Budget (PPC) 4
Create relevant ads
Video Ads
Analytics19 Topics|1 Quiz
Google ads analytics (what is)
Where to find
Link Gads to Analytics
Export data from Google Analytics to GAds reports
Wasted Spend
Google Ads metrics
Quality Score (Google Ads metrics)
Impression Share (5)
Click-Through Rate (CTR)
Account Activity
Impressions (5)
Setting goals (5)
Maximum bid
Quality score (Setting goals)
Google ads ad ranks
Long-tail keywords
Text Ad Optimization
Google ads analytics (what is)
GAds Optimization8 Topics|1 Quiz
Audience Manager8 Topics|1 Quiz
GAds tools and settings26 Topics|1 Quiz
Google Ads tools and settings
Account management tools
Google Analytics
Ad Preview and Diagnosis
Display Planner
Keyword tools
Keyword Planner
Ahrefs Keyword Explorer
Long Tail Pro
Keyword Tool
Moz Keyword Explorer
Bid and budget management tools
WordStream PPC Advisor
Bing Ad Editor
Facebook Ad Gallery
Google ads Editor
Google Ads tools and settings
Google Ads and Facebook9 Topics|1 Quiz
Participants 18
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Write and start PPC Ads
- About responsive search ads
Responsive search ads let you create an ad that adapts to show more text—and more relevant messages—to your customers. Enter multiple headlines and descriptions when creating a responsive search ad, and over time, Google Ads automatically tests different combinations and learns which combinations perform best. By adapting your ad’s content to more closely match potential customers’ search terms, responsive search ads may improve your campaign’s performance.
•Assets can be shown in any order, so make sure they make sense individually or in combinations, and don’t violate our policies or local law.
•It’s recommended to have one responsive search ad per ad group with at least ‘Good’ or ‘Excellent’ ad strength. There’s a limit of 3 enabled responsive search ads per ad group.
•If you have text that should appear in every ad, you must add the text to either Headline position 1, Headline position 2, or Description position 1.
- Benefits
Responsive search ads help you:
•Create flexible ads that adapt to device widths, giving you more room to share your message with potential customers.
•Save time by providing multiple headline and description options, allowing Google Ads to show the most relevant combinations to your customers.
•Tailor your headlines and descriptions to your customers’ locations, regular locations, or locations of interest.
•Reach more potential customers with multiple headline and description options that give your ads the opportunity to compete in more auctions and match more queries.
•Increase ad group performance by attracting more clicks and conversions that your existing text ads aren’t capturing because responsive search ads help you compete in more auctions.
1. Write compelling, genuine ad copy
- Craft messaging that focuses on user benefits.
Why: Users respond to ads that speak to their needs.
- Tie your headline and description line’s messaging to your keywords.
Why: Users tend to engage with ads that appear most relevant to their search.
- Avoid generic language in your ads. Use specific calls to action.
Why: Generic calls to action often show decreased engagement with ads.
- Check Ad Strength for insights into how users may react to your ads.
Why: This metric is a valuable way to ensure you’re delivering the right messages to the right users.
- Review cross-campaign asset reporting.
Why: This report helps you understand which of your headlines and descriptions resonate most with your customers.
- How it works
The more headlines and descriptions you enter, the more opportunities Google Ads has to serve ads that more closely match your potential customers’ search queries, which can improve your ad performance. After you enter headlines and descriptions, Google Ads assembles the text into multiple ad combinations in a way that avoids redundancy. Unlike expanded text ads, you can provide up to 15 headlines and 4 descriptions for a single responsive search ad.
Next, in any given ad, a maximum of 3 headlines and 2 descriptions will be selected to show in different combinations and orders. Part of your ad text may automatically appear in bold when it matches or closely matches a user’s search query.
- The RSA fields are:
•Final url – the landing page where someone will be directed when they click your ad
•Display path – an optional url display path to help give a user a clearer understanding of where the ad will direct them when they click it
•Headlines – the main ad copy of the ad and the first text that a user is likely to see
•Descriptions – longer more descriptive ad copy that users will see alongside your headlines
•URL options – optional more advanced url tracking than the standard google ads tracking. Often used to track custom parameters, tracking templates, url suffix or to track different urls for mobile devices.
There are advantages in using responsive search ads for generic campaigns or a less granular campaign structure. This also applies if you have less ad groups with different keywords to manage.
You need less time to create different ads tailored to each keyword.
You can use keyword insertion to display search queries in your ad texts.
You can easily combine RSAs with smart bidding.
My two cents: Smart bidding strategies need as much data as possible to function properly. Generally, the trend is to optimize your campaigns for smart bidding and having less campaigns with more ad groups containing different keywords. However, such a campaign structure might not be beneficial for every advertiser or campaign type. You should keep avoiding the usage of general phrases in your ads.
To sum it up shortly, it’s a matter of finding what fits best to your campaign structure and enables you to pursue your goals.