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  1. SEO Basics
    12 Topics
    1 Quiz
  2. Semantic Core
    12 Topics
    1 Quiz
  3. Keywords Clustering
    14 Topics
    1 Quiz
  4. Website Structure
    11 Topics
    1 Quiz
  5. On-Page SEO
    55 Topics
    1 Quiz
  6. Technical SEO
    9 Topics
    1 Quiz
  7. SEO Reporting
    38 Topics
    1 Quiz
  8. External SEO
    8 Topics
    1 Quiz
  9. SEO Strategy
    2 Topics
    1 Quiz
Lesson 9, Topic 2
In Progress

Top SEO Strategies

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Whether you’re just getting started with SEO content, or you’re looking to boost the results of your hard work, it can be tricky to know how to move forward. One thing is for sure, though: SEO matters. According to statistics from Junto, 93% of all online experiences begin with a search engine. It’s also the top tactic for marketing efforts, as 57% of marketers say that SEO strategy generates more leads than any other metric. 

What does this all mean? If you want to achieve success in digital marketing, staying up-to-date with SEO strategies is the best way to get there. That’s why we here at DemandJump have put together our list of the top three SEO content strategies for 2020, and what goes into SEO strategies in general. 

#1 Website Optimization

Let’s start off with what you already have: your website. Strategizing for SEO use means optimizing your site to support the SEO keywords and research that you have acquired. That might mean some slight tweaks to the organization, but it also may mean a complete overhaul of your website to ensure that it’s making the best of what you’ve got. One of the best methods for doing so is with pillar pages. 

These are long-form web pages that include super-informed and relevant information, as well as keyword-rich writing that readers will link to from their own searches. These cover broad topics in-depth and are often quite lengthy. It also allows the room for more hyper-specific blog posts about related areas, all of which can link back to the pillar page. Creating this kind of web or nest on your own site optimizes the use of your SEO keywords; rather than posting occasional blogs with keywords stuffed into the body, this establishes a more holistic approach. 

#2 Regular Content Posting

SEO traffic is also influenced by the consistency in which you post your blogs. We often hear from clients “How often should I post a blog on my website?” The truth is that while there is no magic number or exact target for these post counts, it’s a good idea to aim for 1 to 4 posts per week. Statistics show that businesses who post 16 or more posts per month get 3.5 times higher traffic than those who publish zero to four. Not only will this keep your SEO content fresh, but it also can attract a greater readership and audience; if folks know your site regularly publishes relevant content, the chance of someone bookmarking your site and returning to it for updates is far higher.

In order to accomplish regular content posting, though, it’s important to establish an editorial calendar. An editorial calendar includes blog titles, blog descriptions, social media posts, and the dates for all relevant content to be released and promoted. Rather than just posting blogs as they’re completed, this allows you and your team to prioritize and organize your content. This is just another facet of creating an effective SEO strategy. 

#3 Link Building

The third most important SEO strategy is what’s known as link building. After publishing written pieces, a common practice is contacting those publishing similar content and asking for them to link to your pages. This can be done in a variety of ways, either by having an in-house team crawl the web for relevant content, finding contact information, and then sending proposals, or by hiring an outside digital marketing team to do the work for you. Though these practices can be time-consuming or expensive, having your site linked to by other pages boosts your search ranking and generally increases traffic, not to mention your sense of authority on a given subject.

However, there is a slight wrinkle when it comes to the practice of link building. Following the latest Google SEO algorithm updates (as of May 2020), too much focus on link building seems to be causing some websites to get dinged—a testament to the ever-shifting nature of SEO. That being said, another more long-term tactic for organic link building is to simply write great content. When you’re taking the time to develop compelling writing, it’s more likely that other sites will see your work and be compelled to link without you having to ask. 

Remove Content Marketing Uncertainty with DemandJump

Even with the most relevant or current SEO parameters, companies may still need a hand in creating content that engages and inspires audiences. That’s where DemandJump comes in. We provide you consumer insights in the form of SEO roadmap templates, SEO keywords that will own the first page of search engine results, and let you know what’s working and what’s not. With these consumer insights, you see the questions consumers are asking, the searches they’re conducting, and the content and videos they’re consuming all along their path to purchase. If you’re ready to leap to the top of the SEO content marketing world, we have a free 30-day trial waiting for you.