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Landing page

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    Что такое целевая страница (Landing Page)?
  2. Анатомия посадочной страницы
    5 Topics
    1 Quiz
  3. Формулы для построения посадочных страниц
    4 Topics
  4. Правила использования лендинга
    1 Topic
  5. Этапы перед созданием лендинга
    3 Topics
  6. Типы целевых страниц
    3 Topics
  7. Виды целевых страниц
    4 Topics
  8. Структура лендинга
    34 Topics
    1 Quiz
  9. Copywrite
    What is landing page?
    1 Quiz
  10. Types of landing pages
    11 Topics
    1 Quiz
  11. Anatomy of landing page
    11 Topics
    1 Quiz
  12. Formulas of landing pages
    1 Quiz
  13. Tips for good landing pages
    1 Quiz
  14. Development
    2 Topics
    2 Quizzes
  15. Список полезных плагинов и библиотек для работы с лендингами
    3 Topics
  16. Верстка
    2 Topics
    1 Quiz
  17. UX for developers
    1 Topic
  18. Customer avatar
    Аватар клиента
    1 Quiz
Lesson 11, Topic 2
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Body copy

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A clear idea of the direction your copy needs to take and what it needs to do, including:

• Focus on the conversion goal of the page

• Speak to your target audience

• Address them where they are in the buying cycle

• Highlight the benefits of your offer

• Use keywords and/or keyphrases

• Have a headline that captures the visitor’s attention and compels her to continue reading

You need to split the task of writing the body copy of your page into bite-sized chunks to make it easier to get the job done. 

Benefits: The easiest way to reach your conversion goal is to outline the benefits of your offer. They must be kept in mind as you write all your copy. Focusing on benefits helps you write your copy in a way that accomplishes everything else the copy needs to do. 

Features versus Benefits: It’s important to understand the difference between benefits and features will reduce. Benefits are what your customer wants, features deliver the benefits. Feature – Three times the travel points. Benefit – Spend more time on the beach. Benefits and features go hand-in-hand, but prioritizing benefits in your copy will deliver better results.

Sub-Headings – Interest: Sub-headings are the mini-headlines for each section of your copy. If the job of your headline is to get the customer to stay on the page, your sub-headings’ role is to generate interest in enough to get them to read the content that supports it.

Paragraph Copy – Desire: While all your copy should use as few words as possible, nowhere is this more important than in your paragraph copy. If your headlines and sub-headings have done their jobs, you now have the reader on a path towards your goal. 

Bullet Points: If you have more than a few benefits and/or features that you want to express, they can get lost in a paragraph. But bullet points give each of them their own special place on your page. Numbered bullets help prioritize your points.

Testimonials: Testimonials are one of the most powerful content delivery devices. Customers believe what other customers say far more than they believe what marketers say.

Customer Reviews: Similar to testimonials, you can use customer reviews instead of straight copy to express some of what you want to say.

Images: Images are worth a thousand words, but only if they are used properly. Any image, video or graphic you choose must play a role in moving the customer along the conversion path of your page. Use them to demonstrate a benefit.