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Facebook Ads

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  1. Fb Ads Manager
    21 Topics
  2. Set up ad campaigns, ad sets, and ads
    40 Topics
  3. Ad creating
    13 Topics
    1 Quiz
  4. Monitor performance
    12 Topics
    1 Quiz
  5. Retargeting
    27 Topics
  6. Instagram
    7 Topics
    1 Quiz
  7. Boosted Posts
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
  8. Page Promotion
    1 Topic
    1 Quiz
  9. Lead Gen Ads
    6 Topics
    1 Quiz
Lesson 3, Topic 5
In Progress

Single video

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Video content has become the go-to suggestion for pretty much anything you do online.

Writing blog content? Add video to it.

Have a podcast? Promote it with video.

Video is captivating, scroll-stopping, and relatable. Sometimes it entertains us, and other times it makes us emotional.

With Facebook’s advanced and hyper-specific targeting, video ads have naturally become a marketer’s not-so-secret weapon and a way to capture the attention of their ideal audience.

If you’re looking how to create a Facebook video ad, you’re on the right path.

Why the Focus on Facebook Video Ads

You could promote a beautiful image or even a carousel of product images on Facebook. They’re visual and interactive. So why the hype around Facebook video ads?

People want to see the product in action

Videos make an impact on people’s perception of the product—a lot.

With a Facebook video ad, you can show up where they’re expecting you before they even begin to search for you. Thanks to Facebook’s advanced targeting, your ad will be shown to those consumers that have already shown interest in your range and categories of products—and potentially impact their decision to research more or even make a purchase.

Videos are memorable

Videos are sticky and can stay with the viewer long after they’ve seen them.

It could be more qualified traffic to your website, more leads, or even more customers. If they hit the right chord with your viewer, videos can quite literally transform your business.

Videos drive the highest click-through rate

It’s time for marketing talk.

The only way you can see whether your Facebook video ads are actually making a positive impact is by looking at the actions your viewers took after watching them.

Have they clicked through? Liked your page? Browsed your website?

Once you identify immediate user activities that matter to your business, you can track them and optimize accordingly.

Videos cause valuable customer actions

Finally, even if you were unsure around video as the right way to go with Facebook advertising, here’s the punchline:

Videos don’t just get people to click through. They also help them make buying decisions and, ultimately, part with their hard-earned money!

How to Make an Irresistible Facebook Video Ad

Facebook’s design recommend Here are some topics you could focus on in your video:

·         A super-specific tip on something your audience frequently struggles with; the ad takes the viewer to a blog post that lists more tips

·         A customer testimonial or similar proof of the success your product or service brings; the ad takes the viewer to a registration form or a pricing page

·         A short product demonstration that shows your product in its real environment; the Facebook video ad takes the viewer to the product page

·         A behind-the-scenes video that shows your process and/or your team; the ad takes the viewer to a story on your website all about your brand

ations for video ads include a wide range of options that aren’t quite definitive.

For example:

·         Video ratio ranges from 9:16 (fully vertical) to 16:9 (fully horizontal)

·         Video length can be anywhere from 1 second to 240 minutes (yes, that’s 4 hours!)

·         Captions and sound are available, but not mandatory

·         Keep your video short

·         Show your product or brand message as early as possible

·         Go square or vertical on mobile

·         Nail your call-to-action placement

·         Finally, your video should make your viewer proceed to the next step by having a call-to-action (CTA).