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Facebook Ads

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  1. Fb Ads Manager
    21 Topics
  2. Set up ad campaigns, ad sets, and ads
    40 Topics
  3. Ad creating
    13 Topics
    1 Quiz
  4. Monitor performance
    12 Topics
    1 Quiz
  5. Retargeting
    27 Topics
  6. Instagram
    7 Topics
    1 Quiz
  7. Boosted Posts
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
  8. Page Promotion
    1 Topic
    1 Quiz
  9. Lead Gen Ads
    6 Topics
    1 Quiz
Lesson 5, Topic 15
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The Benefits Of Facebook’s Custom Audience Remarketing

The first time someone lands on your website, chances are, they aren’t ready to buy anything from you yet – and the reasons are numerous.

Maybe they will on their second, third, or even fourth visit. There’s still no guarantee. So, unless you give them a reason to make a purchase, you might never get their business.

For this reason, it’s your job to keep reminding them about your products and services each time they come and leave your website. How do you go about this? Facebook Retargeting!

Facebook retargeting allows you to re-engage potential customers as many times as you want until they convert. What’s more, retargeting works about 70% of the time.

If you’ve ever got the feeling that an ad was trailing you all over social media after visiting a particular website, that’s retargeting at work.

Using Facebook’s Custom Audiences from your website, you can create an audience representing any group of customers or prospective customers that express interest in your product on your website. Later, you can reach these people with targeted Facebook Ads. For example, you could run a campaign to reach out to those who visited your site and viewed a product page, but have not made a purchase.

Now you can deliver highly relevant ads based on the interest that visitors had in your products. This allows you to target current customers who have viewed a particular product or service page, potential customers who have not yet registered, or re-engage with recent website visitors by delivering highly relevant messages to them.

Custom Audience from your website can be used to:

Remarket to people using your website

Make your existing ads more efficient by excluding audiences of people who have already converted

Create lookalike audiences of people who look like the people browsing your website

Why should you track your customers?

By tracking how each potential customer progresses along the buyer’s journey (e.g., which checkpoints a customer has completed), advertisers can more effectively influence people who have expressed interest in their products. For example, using the Facebook pixel, an advertiser could capture intent based on the activity of people who are viewing pages about a loyalty program, browsing a particular product page, or filling out a preferences form. Later, the advertiser could serve relevant ads to these people to encourage them to convert.

From Which Kind Of Source Can You Make A Website Custom Audience?

You can make website custom audiences by leveraging Facebook Pixel’s Standard and Custom Events and segment them using URL and Event parameters rules. However, you can’t make a custom audience from users who converted on a specific Custom Conversion.

What Is The Maximum Number Of Days A User Can Remain In Your Website Custom Audience?

You can keep users from dropping out from your website custom audience for 180 days. Obviously, if the users completed a specific user action again that defines your custom audience then the day count will go back to day 0 and the user will remain the the custom audience for at least 180 day.

What Is The Minimum Size Of A Website Custom Audience?

The minimum size for a Website Custom Audience created from Pixel data is 20 users.

Website Custom Audience: All Website Visitors

The default, and likely most used, audience is for all website visitors.

This is the audience that websites with less traffic will use most often to get volume, rather than isolating visitors to specific pages. It doesn’t matter what they did or how long they were on your website to be included in this audience.

There is certainly value to an audience like this, but understand that it includes EVERYONE — your most valuable customers, accidental clicks, and everything in between.

Website Custom Audience: People Who Visited Specific Web Pages

This is a multi-purpose audience that has so many uses that we can’t list them all here.

You can create an audience of people who visited any page of your website that includes a keyword within the URL.

This has the potential for picking up multiple pages — a category of content — that will create more volume. You can then target those people when promoting a related product or related content.

These ideas are just scratching the surface for this audience type, but it should provide some inspiration and direction.

Website Custom Audience: Visitors by Time Spent

Visitors by Time Spent helps you remove your lower quality visitors from an audience.

You can create an audience of your top 5%, 10%, or 25% visitors in terms of time spent on your website.

If you want, you can further filter by pages visited.

Website Custom Audience: From Your Events

This one is a whole lot of fun, and it’s a big perk to utilizing events with parameters.